Wednesday, September 3, 2008

80s Microsoft sunglasses break the bank

Some people will go to any lengths to get what they want. But when the WANT in question is a pair of distinctly 80s "Frankie Goes To Hollywoodesque" luminous green glasses with the Microsoft branding plastered all over - and the price tag on it is a jaw dropping $173,000 it's a long way to go and a very expensive want.

Yup, that's what someone in America paid on ebay for these um, cough designer sunglasses.

Or could this be a clever ploy by Microsoft to get some publicity? It would make sense, they're about the only people who wouldn't miss that sort of money, and the publicity they'll get for this pair of retro sunglasses could be priceless.

Whatever it is if it's all the same with them i'll stick with my £114 bargain Paul Smith sunglasses. They don't glow in the dark, they won't break the bank and they don't require me to get a bobble perm.

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