Friday, March 13, 2009

Oversize sunglasses reduce health risks.

Oversized sunglasses are all the rage for designer sunglasses producers. From Chanel to YSL the consensus is; if it isn’t chunky, forget it!

Celebrities love it, not only are they draped in the latest fashion, but it makes for excellent shade from the paparazzi, perfect if you’re stumbling out of a nightclub at 3am and would like to hide the night gone by! Alla, Lady Gaga! After all why would you need sunglasses in the dead of night?

Yet, there is another plus from these bulky sunglasses, as research from the vision council suggests. The area of skin around the eye is very delicate, therefore is at high levels of risk from UV rays. The extra protection provided by the designer sunglasses, not only reduces the risk of skin cancer, but also reduces squinting, which causes “crows feet.”

Perfect if you’re looking for an excuse to splash out on those must have glasses! Enjoy!

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