Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cardboard Identity by Josh Thompson

Josh Thompson, a Carlsbad local, is compiling a very special book that you must see.
His plan is to travel around the country to document the plight of the homeless in our own backyards.

In his own words:
"cardboard identity is an attempt to document the people that make up over one percent of the population in America. These are the people that live without a house and without the guarantee of a meal. These are the homeless in America. Some people call them bums, hobos, drunkards, vagabonds. I call them real. This is what I want to portray in this book. Real stories of real people.

Please do not enjoy this..."

You can donate to his cause so he can complete the book. Go here for more info and to see how to donate. Get uncomfortable.

Photos by Joshua Wesley Thompson

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