Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I am very excited because, after a very hard two months at work (helping all the student's with their final submission) I received a lovely personal e-mail from Harriet Hungerford, who is the Editor of

They are looking for skilled writers to add to their site, and I do feel I have a lot to offer: as well as good welding tips, I can now add lots of things about fashion too! My writing is getting so much better as I have mixed with the students - they think it marvellous that a girl from a humble Lithuanian family can read and write so well. Better than many of them!

I'm going to send my first articles off to Harriet soon - she sounds so nice, and I'm sure we can be very good friends. I think I might do something on knitted welding aprons - I don't see why welders should not be fashionable!

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