Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wistful thinking

The students are slowly returning to classes now, and after a two month period spent maintaining the looms and presses, I can start thinking about my own studies. But I miss my welding!

There have been a lot of very good women welders on the television lately - for instance, I was watching Scrapheap Challenge on 'Yesterday' and the Steaming Scots had a lovely girl called Laura as their welding expert. She was great! But I was a bit annoyed at this photo - an ad shot for an engineering initiative.

She is a very pretty girl but shouldn't wear bangles whilst working. Worse, she needs to cover her hair which is too long to leave loose, and she seems to be wearing a man-made fibre jumper. I hope she gets no sparks onto it! And those hands! Have they ever wielded a slag hammer?

Nikos asked me about the Rolls-Royce radiator solderer I once dated.....I shall have to share some stories about her later!

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