Sunday, April 4, 2010

I am very lucky!

In January my boss ask me to go to the local University to see if I could weld the framework of their weaving loom. It looked a bit like this one here.

Anyway, it had a big crack in the frame and also one in a big gearbox casting. I think some bad vibration had happened. So I borrowed the gas bottles from their Engineering Dept, and also an arc welder, and then I braze some pieces and weld others with a cast iron filler rod. It was good to do!

I am surprised to meet the Professor, and he is very pleased with me! When I tell him I am studying fashion at evening class he became very interested - and, guess what? Now I am a technician in the Fashion Department! Even better, they tell me my City and Guilds Welding certificates, and my HND in Engineering, are signs of good studentship - so if I am a good technician for three months, they enrol me on a BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Marketing course!

So I think I start this Blog to make you know about it all. It's my first blog too so sorry for my mistakes!

Love Alice.

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