Thursday, December 31, 2009

An Insight into Aniston's Divorce War

The most recent issue of Elle UK magazine provides an intriguing insight into Jennifer Aniston's thoughts and her so called divorce war. Jennifer%20Aniston%20wearing%20Tom%20Ford%20Jennifer%20sunglasses

'No matter what I say, things will always be taken out of context and misinterpreted, will always be turned around to make it seem as though I won’t let something go, or that I just keep talking about it over and over.' She says.

Talking about her apparent love triangle that's been well documented in the media, the former Friends star says 'I don’t owe anybody anything. I don’t owe anybody my side of the story. There are no sides! There is no bad guy and there is no good guy. There are no villains and there is no heroine in this story. It’s just not the case.'

So does this mean that all this Team Aniston vs. Team Jolie nonsense will be put to bed? We very much doubt it.

The now 40 year old actress also took time out to emphasise her views on Hollywood and dieting: 'I’m a realist,' she says.

'I know that if I eat nothing but burgers and chips, I’m not going to be hired for the parts I normally would. That might be fine one day, but not right now.'

'I get offered funny, quirky, pretty roles. I’d love to do an action movie. James Bond! Glamour! Daniel Craig! S***tloads of fun!' Jennifer Aniston swearing, who would have thought?!

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