Thursday, December 31, 2009

Madonna To Adopt AGAIN!

While most us will be picking out a new pair of shoes this payday weekend, Madonna will be making her way to Melawi to pick out a new baby.Madonna%20Sunglasses%20YSL

Undeterred by the controversy that surrounded her last adoption of her son David Banda in 2006, adoption officials have confirmed that her Madgesty will be returning to Africa to adopt a second child.

A representative from the Malawi welfare department says that Madonna has already filed adoption papers in the country and that her case could co before the courts as soon as Monday. Liz Rosenberg, Madonna's rep, had no comment to make on the reports.

'We expect her over the weekend or earlier than that…but without a doubt she is coming before the end of this month,' an official from the nation's Ministry of Gender and Child Development told Reuters.

David Banda's father confirmed to the news agency that he'd soon be in contact with his son, 'Someone from Raising Malawi visited me last week and told me that my son may be visiting me sometime next week,' he said, adding 'I am delighted, I want to see my son.'

Earlier this month, Madonna told Malawi's Nation newspaper: 'Many people—especially our Malawian friends—say that David should have a Malawian brother or sister,'

'It's something I have been considering, but would only do if I had the support of the Malawian people and government.'

Here's an idea, why doesn't she just buy an entire African village full of kids?

YSL 6183 sunglasses, as worn by Madonna.


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