On Sunday Night, 30 Days of Night actor Josh Hartnett was seen getting into the back of an ambulance outside the Chateau in West Hollywood. The star was then taken from the hotel to Cedars Sinai Medical Centre in Beverly Hills. It's now surfaced that the actor was hospitalised after complaining of severe stomach cramps. His publicist, Susan Patricola, told E! that he was out on Sunday at Hollywood's Chateau Marmont when he began 'suffering from a flare of a gastrointestinal problem that plagued him while he was starring in the West End of London during the production of Rain Man,' for which he had to take a few days rest. Susan Patricola added that he got into the back of the ambulance unaided at about 1:45am and was taken to Cedars Sinai Medical Centre. 'He is under observation but is resting comfortably,' she said. In other news, as well as filming for upcoming movies End Zone and Queen of the South, Josh Hartnett has been making a merry ass of himself. After one too many at the Narcisco Rodriguez fashion show after-party at the Gramercy Park Hotel in New York, Hartnett stumbled into a nearby empty booth, sending numerous glasses of champagne crashing. New York magazine, who witnessed the whole thing, then asked the actor if he'd be willing to entertain their questions, to which he replied: 'Sure. I mean, okay … actually, no.' Oh. 'Sorry, I'm half-lit.' Ha! |
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